About Blue Swedish Ducks

A very nice multipurpose duck to have on your farm

Contrary to what the name would suggest Blue Swedish Ducks are very rarely blue at all. They are becoming a rare breed mostly due to the world of farm shows making the requirements for a Blue Swedish very stringent. Most are either a dove-gray with a tint of blue or black with white chest and necks. They can be just about any color however with another common variety being silver which is almost white in appearance. They are a medium sized duck weighing around 6.5 lbs with the drake (male) being about a pound heavier. They have a wonderful and friendly personality though ducks in general tend to be a little skiddish in groups.

These ducks are great foragers and can be used to keep tick and other pests at bay. They are decent layers in that they will lay 100 – 150 eggs per duck per year.