About Katahdin Hair Sheep

This is a great fit for almost every farm

Katahdin are raised primarily for their meat without much hassle. Being a hearty hair sheep they shed their hair and will not need to be sheared. They are also extremely parasite resistant so do not require as much vetting.

These sheep are highly fertile and will average 3 lambings every 2 years with 2 or 3 lambs in a birth. They make GREAT mothers with good instincts when their lambs come a long

The breed originates in Main where Michael Piel started to cross St. Croix sheep with Suffolk and others until he found a highly fertile hair sheep with great meat.

The average ewe weighs between 120 and 160 pounds. The average ram weighs 180 to 250 pounds. These sheep can be any color.

The hair coat is a recessive trait and therefore if you do breed it with a wool sheep chances are good your lamb will have wool.